410021 Nagyvárad / Oradea, Piața Regele Ferdinand I., Nr. 6., Bihor, RO


Bruno Schulz


University of Arts Târgu Mureș

Bruno Schulz, master of colourful phantasms, fairy-tales and sensations, builds his world using stuff of no value, behind the scenes of which our lives happen, and where the only essence is given by the continuous changing of masks and shapes. Although Schulz was the spiritual partner of Musil and Kafka, instead of their universal dread, he builds a house for himself out of his own childhood. The magic-realist author of Cinnamon Shops describes the fall of the Austro-Hungarian Empire in a small Galitian town, through the character of his own father, Jakub, and the child Jozef. Childhood is „the embodiment of the genious period, the messianic age promised to us so many times by every mythology ever” - he writes. Jozef defends himself against the all-dominating chaos by inviting it into his own home, and findig a place for it in the spaces of existence. “How naive to think that fighting for a thousand small things in life will allow us to change our destiny! All I wish is to lull fate's vigilance to sleep, and, avoiding any suspicion, inconspicuously cling to the side of my luck, and become invisible...”


DIRECTED BY: Balázs Zoltán



Dőry Brigitta

Erőss Brigitta

Fekete Róbert

Jáger Simon

Lukács Ivett Andrea

Mesés Gáspár

Szabó J. Viktor

Szilágyi Míra

Zsenák Lilla


Class-master: B. Fülöp Erzsébet


Assistant director: Zoltán Ildikó, 3rd year student director

Production Contributor: Juraszek Zsuzsa, 1st year theatrology student